اعطای بورس تحصیلی دانشگاه زوریخ سوئیس به دانشجویان ایرانی
I am confident that this message finds you well.
I would like to let you know that a new call within the context of our newly introduced scholarship program with Iranian institutions of higher education is online:https://www.int.uzh.ch/en/regcoop/iran.html. The application deadline is March 16, 2018. Funding within this special program is very limited and only open to a few excellent researchers (BA/MA-students, PhD, Postdocs, Professors) for a maximum stay up to six months. There is also the possibility to partly fund a workshop/conference/summer school in Switzerland. I would be very grateful if you could spread the message accordingly. For questions or further remarks, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With my very best wishes from Zurich,
Marcel Schneider
Marcel Schneider
Project Manager
University of Zurich
Marcel Schneider
International Relations Office
Raemistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich
Phone +41 44 634 20 68
Fax +41 44 634 45 01
Office days: Mon, Tue, Wed